Shatta Wale Is Spiritually Strong''It Will Be Difficult To Burry His Carreer- Eagle Prophet

God's Crown Chapel Overseer Rev.Reindolf Oduro Gyebi Popluarly known as Eagle Prophet has emphasized that Shatta Wale will  continue to reign in the industry for long .

In an interview on Angel FM Entertainment show the Eagle prophet disclosed that ;

'Shatta Wale after changing his name from Bandana is now strong in spiritual realm and it will be difficult for someone or any artiste to bury his career.  Shatta Wale was producing better songs when he was bandana but they never became hits and never had a hits songs because he wasn't spiritually strong at that time''

Now all Shatta Wale songs are hit because he is spiritually strong and there is a certain spirit pushing his songs to make them hit.''Eagle Prophet
